Mt. Clemens Pottery
Fri, 2 Oct 1998 14:55:48 EDT
Hi Wendy,
I'm from Grosse Pointe, Michigan. We were talking about the annual pottery
festival in Roseville/Zanesville Ohio and how outrageous it's become as far as
prices. My grandmother lives in Roseville so I've had several occasions to
visit during the festival. Don't go with the idea that you'll buy much.
Anyway, someone brought up the idea that we would should start our own Midwest
festival up this way. Anyone who wants to start organizing it, let me know.
About the Mt. Clemens Pottery Company. McCoy sold the company to Mt. Clemens
in 1967 but Nelson McCoy remained President. The "mark" on some of the pieces
during this time was "MCP" but I believe it was added to the McCoy logo,
thought I think I have seen "MCP" alone. The Mt. Clemens Pottery Company is
the one here. But they sold the McCoy rights, I believe I'm right here,(
someone correct me if I'm wrong, please), to the Lancaster Company and then
that company folded. Hope this helped. There's tons of good books out there
that deal with McCoy. If you're going to be a collector, having a "book" is a
must. Where in Michigan do you live, Wendy? See ya. Sheryl
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