Little Red Riding Hood Cookie Jars

List Mom
Thu, 17 Sep 98 10:59:07 -0500

Ann Renfroe said on 9/16/98 8:39 PM

>I thought I would pass this on, I know there has been alot of mail about
>Little Red Riding Hood Cookie Jars. Well I just noticed on a McCoy Site
>that Nelson McCoy Pottery never made a Little red riding hood cookie jar.
>There are repos, out there marked McCoy, that are 12" in height. The
>original made by Hull/Regal was 12 3/4". They said you could tell a repo by
>it's height. I 
Alot of times you can spot a repro by simply picking it up.  The weight 
is a big factor as well.


The List Mom

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