No subject
Mon, 6 Mar 2000 18:26:37 EST

In a message dated 3/6/0 5:02:24 PM, writes:

It always has been (polite that is).  Look, I have been doing this for 
over three years now.  I moderate a lot of lists, and you do not ever see 
half of the abuse that leaves me on the receiving end in the course of a 
day.  I cannot tell you how many emails I get sent Directly to me 
demanding that I "unsubscribe" someone, or that I am going to face 
federal prosecution if I do not remove them.  Most of these comments are 
quite vulgar and written in anger, rather than out of confusion.  I am 
truly sorry if you think I have offended anyone, however, the fact 
remains that there should be no reason that someone could not remove 
themselves from this list.  After all, they got on it.

I understand that the wife, for instance, may have subscribed and forgot 
about it, while the husband is going crazy trying to figure out how to 
get off of the list.  All I ask is that when you are confused in life you 
step back, take a deep breath, and think.  The answer to the problem, is 
always in the problem.  

It is flat out rude to send unsubscribe messages to a mailing list.  I 
have said time and time again, that if you have having troubles, please 
do email me directly at: and I will be more than 
happy to help.  100% of the time though, I find no problems what so ever, 
and have always been able to without a single problem, even though I get 
responses from people that say, "I have been trying to do this for over a 
year."  Hogwash!  I can go back into the logs of the list server and find 
either no record of them ever sending a single request to the list 
server, or and this is most common.  They send a request to the list 
server to be unsubsribed from an email address that is NOT subscribed to 
this list.
>These remarks to "Bob," and previous remarks to others, were uncalled for, 
>remely unprofessional, and not funny........especially to the recipients, 
Believe me, I am not trying to be funny, though I do get quite a chuckle 
out of the lack of brain cells lurking on the net today.  All I ask is 
that people grasp that old, and nearly lost of concept of thinking.  
There are several hundred people on this list, and thousands on others 
that I moderate that do NOT have difficulty figuring things out, 
especially when we have simple instructions listed at the bottom of every 
single email from this list.


The List Mom

__________________________________________ >>

Yes, I can see how frustrating it must be. But, there are certain venues 
where carping about such frustrations are appropriate: Out drinking with 
friends, at the office, or at home. Being frustrated and derisive via a list 
that everyone will read is unnecessary. 


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