Listmom's remarks
Mon, 6 Mar 2000 18:46:44 EST

In a message dated 3/6/0 4:23:09 PM, writes:

<< Margo, I have to agree with you that some of the comments that have been 
made to Bob most recently have been embarassing. From the people I've met 
involved in collecting McCoy, I have been surprised at this "attitude". Not 
every one of us is computer literate or used to "lists" such as this, and it 
can be confusing. I love McCoy, and love the emails I get, bantering, 
helpful, and informative, and would hate to see myself off the list. It's 
nice to know that someone else doesn't feel that this attitude should 
represent all of "McCoy lovers" ....Jeanette >>

Thanks, Jeanette. I agree!....Margo


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