Odd pieces
List Mom
Thu, 9 Mar 2000 13:06:38 -0600
Tuttihanover@aol.com said:
>to get the same message from mccoypottery talk aske any thing
Oh my gosh.. Tanya, the message you are seeing is the message you sent..
Every time you send a message to the list, it sends the message to
everyone on the list, INCLUDING YOU. The message you see at the bottom
of you post and others posts, is ALWAYS there. The list server puts the
"Unsubscribe" message their so you know how to get off the list.
I hope this helps. As it stands right now, you are talking to yourself.
take care.
The List Mom
McCoy Pottery Online http://www.mccoypottery.com
e-mail: listmom@mccoypottery.com
List Server: http://www.mccoypottery.com/mailinglists
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