[Mccoypottery-talk] New NHN book

Betty F. Nelson bettyfnelson@home.com
Thu, 13 Sep 2001 15:59:19 -0500

I just received my new NHN book today.  It is a beautiful addition to my
library.  It is 320 pages so is the same size as Vol. I & II.  It has
100 wonderful pages of the catalog pages, so in this day of
reproductions you have the old catalog pages themselves to look at and
they give wonderful sizes.  It has a terrific index , so many items are
listed, and then it gives you the page in Vol. I, II, III to look it up.

It also has very good pictures of the marks on the pots.  I was glad to
have the Floraline designs given also because so many people seem to not
consider them McCoy.

Chiquita Preswood is also pictured.  She is always so good to answer
questions here.
My only gripe with the book is the same as the other 2, they have dogs
and stuff that really distracts from the McCoy. But is a small price to
pay for such a wonderful book other wise.

If any of you do not have a good list of all the different marks used by
McCoy over the years I have most of them scanned into my computer and
would be more that glad to send to any of you if you just ask.

I ordered my book from Amazon.com a couple of months ago and was
notified Tues. that it was ready to ship and was really surprised when
it got here today.  The book was $19.96 and the shipping $4.48 for a
total of $24.44.  You can order it from any book store.
I really enjoyed my first journey through it now to go back and go
slower! Betty in Iowa

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