[Mccoypottery-talk] types of auctions??

Capriherb Jennifer@webs-best.com
Sat, 26 Apr 2003 20:53:29 -0400

The Auction that the person put on EBay was for an individual item.  Had
they made it "dutch" with say 100 items available, 100 people could have bid
on the 37 cents to help offset the EBay costs which would be around 25
cents.  If this person wants to make this a premier item (one that would
show at the top of the items for auction, it would cost a few dollars more.
By it only being one item, we can't bid because we would be driving up the
price of her advertisement.  But if she/he makes it a dutch bid, the bid of
37 cents would be for anyone to bid on.
This would keep it alive and help educate those who are bidding on repro
I hope I explained it okay.
If you ever want something on eBay, email the seller first and ask any
questions you can think of.  If they don't respond, then don't bid.  Many
don't.  If you look at the feedback on a seller and they have negatives, you
want to know why they have the negatives.
Right now I'm waiting for the 89th day to put a negative feedback on a
seller.  I bought what I thought were 6 plants and got 3 instead.  The
seller flat out cheated me and won't do anything about it.  But she also
threatened negative feedback on me if I emailed her again about the auction.
At 90 days I can turn her in for fraud and I'll do that as well, but if I
put negative feedback on her at the 90 day deadline, then she can't leave
negative for me because you only have 90 days to leave the feedback. Sounds
corny I guess, but I got ripped off and I'm going to have the "last say" if
it kills me!<G>

I also got ripped on a McCoy piece.  I was the wining bidder on March 30th.
I paid on March 31st.  On April 11 I still hadn't gotten the McCoy Dresser
dog so I sent an email and she said it had just been mailed because she had
family problems.  Then on the 16th I still hadn't gotten it so emailed her
back and she said she mailed it on the 12th.  I waited until the 19th and
still no item.  I emailed her again and she refunded me the auction.  But I
don't know that I will be able to get it at the price that I won it at any
time soon, so I'm not going to let this one die either.  I've seen that when
you get something really low priced, some eBay members will swear it got
"lost in the mail" and they lost the receipt and will refund you your money
rather than going through with the auction.  To me that's fraud, plain and
simple!  So right now I've got 2 things I'm upset about and the last 2
auctions before that the items were broken because of poor packing by the
seller.  I'm getting a little tired of eBay right now because it seems that
all I get are headaches.  I've probably bought and sold more than 300 items
on eBay since it started back in 98 and until recently had never had a bad
auction transaction!
More information than you wanted.  Sorry!

Jennifer Smith
Capriherb Farm
Baltimore, Ohio

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