[Mccoypottery-talk] ending my part of the discussion

BarbCrews barbc@thecookiejar.net
Tue, 13 May 2003 07:18:42 -0500

Obviously I am not close personal friends.. ~vbg~,  but I did know Billie's 
I was just upset when I wrote the email and my fingers type faster than my 

No, there is no contest here at all, but I think we all know the person 
with the most expertise and the one person that can be relied on for 
accurate information every time.

I think the matter probably needs to be laid to rest, but the note that 
started this whole thing was disparaging to another member of the board who 
calmly pointed out a known fact. The outrage should be directed to the 
people that are cause this -- not people on this board.

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