[Mccoypottery-talk] off topic (need suggestions)

Nina Berlin nberlin@swfla.rr.com
Fri, 16 Jul 2004 11:31:03 -0400

Hi everybody. I know that we have a problem with the fake sellers, but what
do you do about the sellers that don’t accurately represent their items.   I
recently bought an item on eBay that was not in the condition as it was
described to be.  The seller claimed the pottery to be in great condition
with only some color ware, but when I received it, that just wasn’t even
close.  It has a crack in it, over all crazing, a pin hole on top, water
stains, and inside a good size pottery gap.  Not a glaze miss, but where the
pottery doesn’t come together.  When I contacted the seller, he still claims
this to be in great condition.  He has finally agreed to refund my money,
but not the shipping.  I strongly feel he should be responsible for the
shipping as well, because I would not have bought the item if he had told
the truth in the first place.  I’m sure this has happened to some of you. Am
I out of line to expect him to refund the shipping costs.  I have all ready
tried Square Trade, that was a waste of time. Is this postal fraud?  Any
suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

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