[Mccoypottery-talk] sort of off topic, still

Mark Jennings mjtn@charter.net
Fri, 16 Jul 2004 22:04:35 -0500

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I looked for McCoy while we were in New York, but didn't find anything 
except some *way* over-priced Roseville  :(

Anyway - I found a real pretty (to me) glass vase in an antique shop in 
midtown Manhattan.  Is there anyone here who knows Italian glass at 
all?  If so, would you email me privately, please?  :-)  I'd love to know 
more about what it is I've got!  All I know is what the sign said, "1950's 
Italian glass," and that it's heavy! (for its size).  I can send pics to 
anyone who could help.  I'd appreciate it.


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