[Mccoypottery-talk] Hull LRRH CJ
Wed, 12 May 2004 14:37:23 EDT
I told my friend that even tho he's looking for a Hull... not McCoy CJ, that
this group would have some good advise... and I certainly was right! Thank you
guys for giving such helpful input. I've learned alot about the LRRH myself
in reading and looking at the links you've sent.
And Kevin, your advice is exactly what I started out telling him. I just
didn't have many Hull references bookmarked. I have enough of a time keeping up
with the McCoy fakes! I have a bunch of links that I refer to on a regular
basis for McCoy... along with my books.
I do have another question about the different styles tho. One of the links I
refer to regularly had this to say about the Hull CJs.
" One of the biggest areas of concern and of misinformation in the
marketplace is regarding the Little Red Riding Hood line that the Hull Pottery Company
started. It is true that Louise Bauer received the patent number 135889 for the
Hull Pottery Company with the original LRRH Open Basket Cookie Jar in 1943.
However, the Hull Pottery Company ONLY created the original Open Basket Cookie
Jar ("patent applied for") and then under this patent number the Open Basket
cookie jar, the bowtie grease jar, the medium sized salt & pepper shakers. All
other pieces of LRRH were produced by the REGAL CHINA COMPANY.
The problem, unfortunately, is that many books and dealers have lumped the
LRRH pieces into being a Hull product mainly because the Hull name is much more
recognizable than Regal and tends to pull in more money.
Essentially, if you see a piece of LRRH and it's not an open-basket cookie
jar, a bowtie dresser/grease jar or the medium-sized S&P (these are VERY rare,
so you probably won't see them), then your first thought should be that it's
NOT a Hull product. "
So... not counting the cheesey ones from Rosso... are the Regal versions
still considered legit? Are those the ones with the gold trim, poinsettias, etc?
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