[Mccoypottery-talk] Hull LRRH CJ

~barb xmascookie@thecookiejar.net
Wed, 12 May 2004 14:37:23 -0500

This doesn't answer your question -- but here is a copy of the LRRH patent.

What I was told about Regal vs Hull was a little different. The dealer 
referenced here has one of  the largest LRRH collections in the US. If not 
the largest, it's pretty darn close. He has also been a dealer in pottery, 
etc. for many years.

At 01:37 PM 5/12/2004, you wrote:
>I told my friend that even tho he's looking for a Hull... not McCoy CJ, that
>this group would have some good advise... and I certainly was right! Thank 
>guys for giving such helpful input. I've learned alot about the LRRH myself
>in reading and looking at the links you've sent.
>And Kevin, your advice is exactly what I started out telling him. I just
>didn't have many Hull references bookmarked. I have enough of a  time 
>keeping up
>with the McCoy fakes! I have a bunch of links that I refer to on a regular
>basis for McCoy... along with my books.
>I do have another question about the different styles tho. One of the links I
>refer to regularly had this to say about the Hull CJs.
>" One of the biggest areas of concern and of misinformation in the
>marketplace is regarding the Little Red Riding Hood line that the Hull 
>Pottery Company
>started. It is true that Louise Bauer received the patent number 135889 
>for the
>Hull Pottery Company with the original LRRH Open Basket Cookie Jar in 1943.
>However, the Hull Pottery Company ONLY created the original Open Basket 
>Jar ("patent applied for") and then under this patent number the Open Basket
>cookie jar, the bowtie grease jar, the medium sized salt & pepper shakers. 
>other pieces of LRRH were produced by the REGAL CHINA COMPANY.
>The problem, unfortunately, is that many books and dealers have lumped the
>LRRH pieces into being a Hull product mainly because the Hull name is much 
>recognizable than Regal and tends to pull in more money.
>Essentially, if you see a piece of LRRH and it's not an open-basket cookie
>jar, a bowtie dresser/grease jar or the medium-sized S&P (these are VERY 
>so you probably won't see them), then your first thought should be that it's
>NOT a Hull product. "
>So... not counting the cheesey ones from Rosso... are the Regal versions
>still considered legit? Are those the ones with the gold trim, 
>poinsettias, etc?
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